Enabled Freedom of America ©
Enabling Like-Minded Americans to
Action in Our Communities With the Freedoms
Protected by the US Constitution.
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Patriot Files.org
This a must see presentation!
"America, Why I Love Her"
John Wayne recites a beautiful poetic piece written by another actor, and poet, John Mitchum.
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Enabled Freedom of America is committed to empowering like-minded Americans to action in our communites.  Our efforts to elect competent conservative are only one part of what is needed to keep America's Constitutional form of government intact.  It will have to have the individual Citizens become involved with their State, County, City and Community affairs to promote Our Constitutional Republic.  America is ruled by her People, not her Government.

Enabled Feedom of America is partnering with FreedomConnector, Mercury One, and the many Tea Party, 9-12 Project, We Surround Them, Religious and Civic organizations in our communities to promote a self-reliance system that stands without the need for government intervention.

Much of this website will be duplicated from the above partners due to the fact that Enabled Freedom of American does not stand alone but with the contributions of all who band together for "Individual Freedom."